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Preview — Skazani na Shawshank by Stephen King
Dec 30, 2012Nataliya rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
'Remember that hope is a good thing, Red, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.'Rita Hayworth and The Shawshank Redemption is subtitled 'Hope Springs Eternal' - and that perfectly sums up the soul of his book.
It's hope that keeps you going - even after everything horrible that you can ever imagine has already happened to you, even after life has knocked you down over and over again, even after there seems to be nothing left. Hope is the last thing to die, they say. Andy Dufresn..more
و عندما يقع عليك ظلم كبير .كبير من الطراز الذي يعصف بالاخضر و اليابس في حياتك.يكون امامك اختيارين
تندب حظك حتى الموت كمدا🙊
تشحذ قدراتك.لا لكي تنهض فقط.بل لتستفيد ممن ظلموك
يا عبادي اني حرمت الظلم على نفسي.و جعلته بينكم محرما فلا تظالموا..هذا ما قاله الله عز و جل في الحديث القدسي
.بعد وقوع الظلم مباشرة و في فترة الانحطاط النفسي نتساءل مرارا ماذا فعلت كي استحق كل هذا؟
ولكن لا ليس {اندي دوفرين}ا
.ذلك المحاسب الذي خانته زوجته و تم قتلها مع..more
Almost everything that could be possibly said about it has been said. What makes this book different is the message it conveys - one of eternal hope. I was and am profoundly moved by this simple and eloquent depiction of hope, friendship, and redemption.
The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufresne, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himsel..more
'يقولون إن المحيط الهادئ ليس له ذاكرة. هذا هو المكان الذي أريد أن أعيش فيه بقية حياتي. مكان دافئ مع عدم وجود ذاكرة. '
يقول علماء الجيولوجيا أن الصخور لا تحتاج في تشكلها إلا لعاملين: الضغط و الوقت.
و هل يوجد في السجن إلا الضغط و الوقت؟ و هل تختلف الحياة كثيرا خارج السجن؟
ليس في النوفيلا أيضا إلا الضغط و الوقت و الصخور الكثيرة المتنوعة.
صخرة الخيانة التي حطمت الحب و صخرة الجريمة التي حطمت الحياة و صخرة الظلم التي حطمت العدالة و البراءة و صخرة السجن التي حطمت كل أمل في الحياة.
ثم صخور جمعها آندي في ا..more
I've watched The Shawshank Redemption movie any number of times on cable TV (at least the last half of it; I almost always manage to miss the first half). So a few weeks ago when my husband asked me to find Stephen King's story The Body (the basis for the movie Stand by Me), I was delighted to find the novella Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption in the same collection. My husband hasn't read his story yet, but I've read mine. :)
A lifetime convict, Red (in the story, a redheaded man of Iri..more
“I hope . . .”
The moral of the story? You have to crawl through a lot of shit in life before you reach Zihuatanejo.
Uncle Stevie will always be known as the Master of Horror, but it’s my belief that his not-so-scary stuff is where he truly shines. Hands down my favorite story ever, that just so happened to be converted into one of my favorite films as well. If you’ve not yet experienced it, you’re missing out on what my husband and I..more
While we all know that the book is better than the movie - no, this is not a debatable statement..while I strongly feel that everybody is entitled to their opinion, you are wrong if you don't agree and it's time somebody is brutally honest with you - we tend to forget that adapting a book into a screenplay is a writing art of its own.
The writer of the screenplay will always be at a disadvantage when adapting a book, especially when it is a popular..more
«..το ίδιο πράγμα που σημαίνουν για τους περισσότερους κατάδικους...more
'Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption' is one of them. I have to admit, I am a huge fan of prison st..more

I cannot believe I have never read this. Actually,..more
میدونی مکزیکیها در مورد اقیانوس آرام چی میگن رِد؟ میگن که اونجا هیچ خاطرهای وجود نداره و به همین علته که من میخوام زندگیم رو اونجا به پایان برسونم
بعد از کتاب پاپیون هانری شاریر (و اقتباس سینمایی آن با بازی به یاد ماندنی استیو مککوئین)، کتاب امیدهای جاودان بهاری: رهایی از شاوشنک جزء بهترینهای این ژانر محسوب میشود که هر دو درونمایهای یکسان دارند: امید به رهایی
این کتاب را مدتها پیش خریده بودم و خواندن آن را به روزهای سخت آینده محول کرده بودم و چه خوب هم به کارم آمد! در شبهای تاریک پادگان شروع به..more
Shawshank: 'Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption' is a masterpiece. A streamlined cast of characters and clever telling of the story using the narrator as a main character, only to shift into first person to finish the story with expectant yet unresolved hope.
Apt Pupil: Scary. Really spooky stuff. Not so much for..more
I watched the movie before I read the book. Actually, the movie is the reason why I read the book. It's unnecessary to speak how much I liked the movie. It would take an inhuman to not like it. The movie almost follows the book. Some rearrangements, eliminating some details and a little modification at the end, that is all the changes they've made in the movie. I think that's one of the reasons why..more
As it happens sometimes, I had not read the original material behind one of my favorite movies of all time. And I was really surprised when I found out that behind a wonderful movie is a short story by Stephen King. An author who can also write stories without supernatural aspects that can leave you breathless. And this is one of them.
Andy Dufresne is a banker who is accused of murdering his wife and her lover. He is finally sentenced to two life sentences. When he is sent..more
4 stars!
Skazani Na Shawshank Filmweb
May 23, 2017Mia (Parentheses Enthusiast) rated it it was amazing · review of another editionHow is this everyone's favourite (movie)? I, however, haven't watched the movie and having read the book I don't think I ever will. I found it rather stupid. Twenty years at the prison and no one looked behind the poster of Rita Hayworth put up by Andy Dufresne in his cell. How is that humanly possible?
'I hope I can make it across the border.
I hope to see my friend and shake his hand.
I hope the Pacif..more
There could be some reasons that I'd rather call it a “shape who I will be”,but still, I could not exactly tell what the reasons were. The perceptions would evolve with the age. The movie and..more
رجل سجن خطأ بتهمة قتل زوجته , تحت امرة سجان سادي يهوى تعذيب السجناء لكن بحكمة و صبر و اناة يستطيع كسب ثقته مستقلا اتقانه للحسابات و من ثم الهرب من السجن بطريقة غير جديدة في الواقع ففكرة نفق تحت الارض هي من اقدم الطرق و اكثرها فشلا
لكن المذهل في الامر كيف اخفى اندي امره عن السجان مع تحفضهم الشديد في التفتيش و فسادهم الذي استشرى كالمرض ثم هناك رد الذي يجلب لك اي شيء من خارج السجون
ستفين كنج خرج هنا بصورة مغايرة عن قصص الرعب التي اصبح ايقونة لها حتى انه حكى في مقابل..more
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