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From Practical Software: Practical Software Statistical Process Control (PSSPC) Pro provides most necessary functions, plot both control charts X-Bar/Range and individual/moving range, plot histogram chart, chart picture export, rich of statistical calculated parameters like standard distribution, UCL, LCL, CL, Est. Sigma, CpU, CpL, Cp, and CpK, chart zoom and scroll, view the raw data, support Microsoft Access database formats since 97, 2000, and 2002, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft SQL Server, ODBC. Update detail: fixed bug for software error while recalled to open the data file when software starts but the folder that keeps data no longer exists.
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Getspc Apk
★★★ Written specifically for SAMSUNG phones ★★★ Have you everwanted to know the Country of Origin behind the label 'MADE BYSAMSUNG'? When the phone was manufactured? How frequently the phonewas used? How many times it has been connected to the Charger? Doyou want to know the Knox Warranty Void status without entering tothe ODIN Download Mode?.. Then this app is for you. ☆ Supportmulti-language: العربية, Azərbaycanca, Deutsch, English, Español,فارسی, Français, Magyar, Italiano, עברית, 日本語, Polski, Português,Română, Русский, Shqip, Српски, Türkçe, Tiếng Việt, 繁體中文, 简体中文.Please help to translate into your native language:☆ Like Facebook page: ☆Join Facebook group: ☆ XDA thread: ★ SecretCodes: List all of Samsung secret codes (HiddenMenu) on yourdevice. Note: You may need ROOT to launch secret codes (use 'Launch0' method). ★ Firmware Browser: Browse for the stock firmwaresavailable online, for your phone and for any other Samsung model. ★Other Tools: - CSC Changer: Change the CSC. This tool requires root+ multi-CSC stock firmware. - CSC Verifier: It is Samsung built-intool. Requires root + stock firmware. - ServiceMode MAIN MENU: Itis Samsung built-in tool. Requires root + stock firmware. - S/NAnalyzer: Obtain information about Country of Origin andManufacturing Date from Samsung serial number. You can enter serialnumber from ANY Samsung phone (including OLD phone, FEATURE phoneand NON-SMART phone). - IMEI Analyzer: Check the IMEI for thevalidity by calculating the Check Digit (according to Luhnalgorithm). ★ Refurbishment Check ★ CSC Code Lookup (CSC - ConsumerSoftware Customization, aka Sales Code, or Region Code) ★ MainFeatures: Displays the following information about your phone. ▪GENERAL INFO: - Manufacturer / Brand - Phone Model / CommercialModel Name - Device Type - Product Name - Country of Origin -Manufacturing Date - Knox Warranty Void - Colour / Internal Storage▪ CSC INFO: - Product Code - Original CSC Code - Firmware's CSCCode - Active CSC Code - Available CSC Codes - CSC Country - MobileOperator ▪ FIRMWARE INFO: - Bootloader Version - PDA Version - CSCVersion - Baseband Version - Latest Firmware - Firmware UpdateHistory - Firmware Status - Kernel Version / Architecture(32/64-bit) - Java Virtual Machine (Dalvik or ART) ▪ OS INFO: -Root Existence - Android Version - Build Number - Build Fingerprint- Build Description - Build Date - Changelist ▪ HARDWARE INFO: -Hardware / Board (CPU 32/64-bit) - Platform / Chip - GPU (GraphicsProcessing Unit) - Modem Board - Hardware Revision - Total RAM -Screen (physical size in inches, resolution in pixels, density indpi and ppi) - Camera - Sound Card - Mono or Stereo Loudspeaker -WiFi Chip - GPS Chip - Battery (technology, capacity in mAh) -Sensors ▪ DEVICE ID: - IMEI (support dual SIM) - Android SerialNumber - Samsung Serial Number ▪ USAGE HISTORY: - Headset ConnectCounter - Charger Connect Counter - S Pen Detach Counter - BatteryDischarge Cycles - Battery Health ▪ MONITOR: - CPU/Battery/Ambienttemperatures - CPU/Memory usages - Battery voltage/level - Signalstrength NOTE: This app works properly with Stock Firmware. OnCustom ROM some info may not show correctly. ☆☆☆ Ability to RemoveAds and Export info to the SD Card (Plus version only) ☆☆☆ ABOUTPERMISSIONS: - Camera: This permission is required to read thecamera resolution. - Read Phone State: This permission is requiredto read IMEI, and also serial number (on Android 8.0+).